
International Workshop on KamLAND Geoscience

; Toward Enhanced Reference Earth Models for Geoneutrino Analysis

January 15-16, 2015, in Tokyo


Contact & Links

  1. Contact Address

Hiroko Watanabe, RCNS, Tohoku University


  1. Links

Experimental Results


  1. -T. Araki et al. (KamLAND Collaboration), Nature 03980 (2005), “Experimental investigation of geologically produced antineutrinos with KamLAND”  link / PDF

  2. -A. Gando et al. (KamLAND Collaboration), Nat. Geosci. 4, 647 (2011), “Partial radiogenic heat model for Earth revealed by geoneutrino measurements” link / PDF

  3. -A. Gando et al. (KamLAND Collaboration), Phys. Rev. D 88, 033001 (2013), “Reactor on-off antineutrino measurement with KamLAND”  link / PDF

  1. *Borexino

  2. -G. Bellini et al. (Borexino Collaboration), Phys. Lett. B 687, 299 (2010), “Observation of geo-neutrinos“ link / PDF

  3. -G. Bellini et al. (Borexino Collaboration), Phys. Lett. B 722, 295 (2013), “Measurement of geo-neutrinos from 1353 days of Borexino”  link / PDF

Geo-neutrino Flux Models

  1. -F. Mantovani et al, Phys. Rev. D 69, 013001 (2004), “Antineutrino from Earth: A reference model and its uncertainties” link / PDF

  2. -G. Fiorentini et al., Phys. Rep. 453, 117 (2007), “Geo-neutrinos and earth’s interior” link / PDF

  3. -S. Enomoto et al., Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 258, 147 (2007), “Neutrino geophysics with KamLAND and future prospects”  link / PDF

  4. -O. Šrámek et al., Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 361, 356 (2013), “Geophysical and geochemical constraints on geoneutrino fluxes from Earth’s mantle” link / PDF

  5. -Y. Huang et al., Geochem. Geophys. Geosystems 20129 (2013), “A reference Earth model for the heat-producing elements and associated geoneutrino flux”  link / PDF

  6. -Y. Huang et al., Geochem. Geophys. Geosystems 20573 (2014), “Regional study of the Archean to Proterozoic crust at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO+), Ontario: Predicting the geoneutrino flux” link / PDF

  7. -V. Strati et al., arXiv:1412.3324, “Expected geoneutrino signal at JUNO” link / PDF

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  1. -T. Nakagawa and P. J. Tackley, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 329, 1 (2012), “Influence of magmatism on mantle cooling, surface heat flow and Uray ratio” link / PDF

  2. -N. Takeuchi et al., Geophys. Res. Lett. 35, L05307 (2008), “Extent of the low-velocity region in the lowermost mantle beneath the western Pacific detected by the Vietnamese Broadband Seismograph Array” link / PDF

  3. -T. Iizuka et al., Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71, 2450-2472 (2010), “Detrital zircon evidence for Hf isotopic evolution of granitoid crust and continental growth” link / PDF


[webpage, database]

  1. -Visualization system for subsurface structures, AIST, Japanese / English

  2. -Japanese Integrated Velocity Structure Model, Long-Period Ground Motion Hazard Map 2012, The Headquarters for Earthquake Research Promotion, link (Japanese) / PDF (付録2. 全国1次地下構造モデル(暫定版))

  3. *reference papers

   H. Koketsu et al., Proc. 14WCEE, Paper No.S10-038 (2008), “Progress towards a Japan Integrated Velocity Structure Model and Long-Period Ground Motion Hazard Map” PDF

   H. Koketsu et al., Tectonophysics, 472, 290 (2009), “A proposal for a standard procedure of modeling 3-D velocity structures and its application to the Tokyo metropolitan area, Japan” link / PDF

  1. -Geochemical map of Japan, AIST (National Institution of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology) link Japanese / English

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Future Projects

  1. -T. K. M. Tanaka and H. Watanabe, Scientific Reports 4, 4708 (2014), “6Li-loaded directionally sensitive anti-neutrino detector for possible geo-neutrinographic imaging applications” link / PDF

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