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Kelly Weerman

  • メンバー


   Name : Kelly Michelle Weerman
   Nationality : Netherlands
   Affiliation : University of Amsterdam / National Institute for Subatomic Physics (Nikhef)
   Hobbies : Modern Kungfu, Hiking, Playing the piano

Q1.  Please tell us about your country Netherlands.

kelly2 The Netherlands is a very small country, about nine times smaller than Japan, and the highest ‘mountain’ is 322 meters. So,it’s a very flat country, making it ideal for bicycles. You can reach any place with your bicycle; many people use it to travel to work. In Amsterdam, the city I live in, there are more bikes than residents and many large underground garages are dedicated for only bicycles. If you come to Amsterdam, you will be amazed by what people do on a bicycle. I have seen people moving whole couches just with two bikes, and last year, I moved a huge Christmas tree on the back of my own bike (in the picture, you can see my friend with the Christmas tree).

Amsterdam is a very lively and cozy city. In the afternoon, the parks are always full of people playing sports or using a BBQ. The city center has beautiful canals and many tiny cafes along the water. When the sun shines, these canals are full of people on boats. Most cities in the Netherlands are very close to each other, so visiting them is very easy and fun.


❲日本語訳❳ Q1. 母国オランダについて聞かせて下さい。



Q2.  Please tell us about your hobbies.

My current passion is modern Kung Fu(called Wushu). In case you don’t know what Wushu is, think about Bruce Lee and Jacky Chan. I started with Wushu after watching Kung Fu Panda. I have been practicing the martial art for seven years and I am part of the Netherlands national team! It is not only a sport but also a lifestyle. You learn great control of your body and mind, strengthening them simultaneously.

I really enjoy being active. I have done many different sports from a young age, like gymnastics, judo, basketball, tennis, ballet, and dancing. On every vacation with my parents, I would go kayaking, climbing, or skiing. At the moment, I enjoy going on multi-day wilderness hiking trips with just my tent and myself. My favorite hikes were a 20-day hiking trip to Mt.Everest Basecamp in Nepal, a one-week hike in Norway, and a few trips in New Zealand.

❲日本語訳❳ Q2. 趣味について聞かせて下さい。




Q3.  How did you get into studying Physics?

When I was in high school, I always thought that I would study biology or medicine. I visited many universities that offered such programs, but every time I visited, I was mostly excited about the maths and the subatomic processes (like radioactivity) that they would shortly mention. So, I went to an open day of the physics program at the University of Amsterdam and immediately fell in love. I followed a lecture on Special Relativity and one on Astronomy and enjoyed every minute. My passion for physics grew during my bachelor's degree, and I discovered my love for particle physics during my bachelor's thesis, which I did in the ATLAS group about the Higgs boson. I chose the direction of particle physics and cosmology during my master's, which I completed with a theoretical project on Inflation and Dark Matter.

❲日本語訳❳ Q3.  どのように物理に興味を持つようになりましたか?


Q4. Why did you choose Japan as the destination to study abroad?

My passion is Cosmology, and in particular the role of the neutrino after doing a small project on leptogenesis during my masters. So when a position on neutrinoless double beta decay at KamLAND-Zen was offered in Amsterdam under the supervision of Patrick Decowski, I was very excited. It combines two things that I find interesting: neutrinos and Japan. When I was in high school, I started listening to Japanese music (my favorite band was KAT-TUN) and watching historical Japanese dramas. My interest and love for Japanese culture grew over the years. The first time I traveled to Japan was during my bachelor's, on a study trip to Tokyo and Kyoto, which I helped organize. I enjoyed the beautiful nature, friendly people, and cultural differences. When I got the opportunity to return and do experimental research on neutrinos, I was very happy to get accepted.

❲日本語訳❳ Q4.  留学先として日本を選んだ理由はありますか?

私の情熱は宇宙論であり、修士課程でレプトジェネシスに関する小さなプロジェクトを行った後は、特にニュートリノの役割に情熱を注いでいます。そのため、KamLAND-Zenでのニュートリノを伴わないベータ崩壊に関するポジションをアムステルダムでPatrick Decowski教授の指導の下でオファーされた時、とても興奮しました。私が面白いと思う2つのことが組み合わされています:ニュートリノ と日本。私が高校生の時、日本の音楽を聴き始め(私の好きなバンドはKAT-TUNでした)、時代劇ドラマも観ていました。日本文化に対する私の興味と愛は、何年もかけて大きくなっていきました。初めて日本を訪れたのは学士課程の時で、私が企画を手伝った東京と京都への研修旅行でもありました。美しい自然、フレンドリーな人々、文化の違いを楽しみました。日本に戻ってニュートリノの実験的研究をする機会を得たとき、合格してとても嬉しかったです。

Q5. What kind of research are you doing currently

My main research is on muon spallation in KamLAND-Zen. We try to measure neutrinoless double beta decay of xenon, but since this process is so rare, it’s important to have the least background possible. Currently, the largest background comes from the beta-decay of isotopes created by muons moving through the detector, breaking the heavy xenon atoms into many different isotopes. Many of the isotopes are long-lived, ranging in lifetimes from hours to days, making them very difficult to tag and separate from possible neutrinoless double beta decay data. The tagging method we are currently using is not ideal, it has an efficiency of about 50% and a deadtime of about 10%. I am using a toy MC code called FLUKA to simulate muon spallation of xenon inside KamLAND, and try to develop a new tagging method that will hopefully increase the efficiency.

❲日本語訳❳ Q5. どういった研究をしていますか?


Q6.  How is the life in Japan?

kelly5 I always have a great time whenever I am in Japan. Many special places in and around Sendai are beautiful to visit, so I never get bored, and I feel like I am in one of the Ghibli movies all the time. During the weekends, I take small trips to places with a lot of nature. I especially loved Matsushima, Mount Zao, and Yamadera; these spots are incredible.

The nightlife here in Sendai is a lot of fun. I am very lucky to have such nice colleagues who take me to eat the most delicious food and show me the ins and outs of Sendai. With my friends, I regularly go to karaoke and the arcade hall, which is something we don’t do in Amsterdam so it feels very special.

❲日本語訳❳ Q6.  日本での生活はどうですか?




Q7.  Lastly, please tell us your future goal.

I would like to stay in academia after completing my PhD. It is my dream to do a postdoc in America, and I will probably continue with the subject of neutrinos because there are so many interesting mysteries that have yet to be solved. I also enjoy outreach and teaching, so I hope to combine them with my research in the future.

❲日本語訳❳ Q7.  最後に、将来の目標を教えて下さい。


(Kelly-san, thank you for your cooperation about interview & lovely photos! )