P A R T I C I P A T I O N   M E T H O D

The person who thinks of participation ;

 We mainly stdy the nutrino scientific research, and develop the space elementary particle research to fulfill in the extremely low radioactivity environment. Then, we contribute to the development of the science, utilize the research environment and engage in educational activities working with the Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science and Faculty of Science, Tohoku University.

 ■   Information of the Entrance Exams : You can access by the home page of the Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science and Faculty of Science, Tohoku University.   ☞   https://www.sci.tohoku.ac.jp/english/prospective/

 ■   International Support Center(ISC) : The center provides comprehensive support to international students, international researchers, and faculty members of Tohoku University.   ☞   https://sup.bureau.tohoku.ac.jp/en/

 ■   When the "Public Offering Information" is noticed on this web site, please check it.

Voice of International Student / Voice of Graduate

Interview for International Student

Marthe Azzi
Visit duration: Oct.2022-
Link: Voice of International Student

Interview for International Student

Moritz Niklas Neuberger
Visit duration: Oct.2019-Sept.2020
Link: Voice of International Student

Interview for International Student 

Bouke Jisse Jung
Visit duration: Oct.2018-Apr.2019
Link: Voice of International Student