
Update: Jun. 12, 2024

List of the publications

  1. ▪ 2022
  2. ▪ 2021
  1. ▪ 2020
  2. ▪ 2019
  3. ▪ 2017
  4. ▪ 2016
  5. ▪ 2015
  6. ▪ 2014
  7. ▪ 2013
  8. ▪ 2012
  9. ▪ 2011
  10. ▪ 2010
  11. ▪ 2009
  12. ▪ 2007-2008
  13. ▪ 2006
  14. ▪ 2005
  15. ▪ 2004
  16. ▪ 2002-2003
  17. ▪ 1997-1999

in 2024

  1.   Title: "RFSoC-based front-end electronics for pulse detection"
    Author: SN Axani, S Futagi, M Garcia, C Grant, K Hosokawa, S Ieki, K Inoue,K Ishidoshiro, N Kawada, Y Matsumoto, T Nakahata, K Nakamura, R Shouji, H Song, LA Winslow
    Source: JINST 19 P03013
  2.   Title: "Application of gamma Transition-Edge-Sensor (TES) to 112Sn two-neutrino double electron capture search"
    Author: K. Ichimura, K. Ishidoshiro, A. Gando, K. Hattori, T. Kikuchi, H. Yamamori, S. Yamada and T. Kishimoto
    Source: Proceedings of Science
  3.   Title: "First Study of the PIKACHU Project: Development and Evaluation of High-Purity Gd3Ga3Al2O12:Ce Crystals for 160Gd Double Beta Decay Search"
    Author: Takumi Omori, Takashi Iida, Azusa Gando, Keishi Hosokawa, Kei Kamada, Keita Mizukoshi, Yasuhiro Shoji, Masao Yoshino, Ken-Ichi Fushimi, Hisanori Suzuki, Kotaro Takahashi
    Source: Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Volume 2024, Issue 3, March 2024, 033D01
  4.   Title: "Development of a Method to Measure Trace Levels of Uranium and Thorium in Scintillation Films"
    Author: K Ichimura, K Chiba, Y Gando, H Ikeda, Y Kishimoto, M Kurasawa, K Nemoto, A Sakaguchi, Y Takaku, Y Sakakieda
    Source: Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Volume 2024, Issue 6, June 2024, 063H01

in 2023

  1. Title: "Development of ultra-pure gadolinium sulfate for the Super-Kamiokande gadolinium project"
    Author: K Hosokawa, M Ikeda, T Okada, H Sekiya, P Fernández, L Labarga, I Bandac, J Perez, S Ito, M Harada, Y Koshio, M D Thiesse, L F Thompson, P R Scovell, E Meehan, K Ichimura, Y Kishimoto, Y Nakajima, M R Vagins, H Ito, Y Takaku, Y Tanaka, Y Yamaguchi
    Source: Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Volume 2023, Issue 1, January 2023, 013H01
  2. Title: "Search for the Majorana Nature of Neutrinos in the Inverted Mass Ordering Region with KamLAND-Zen"
    Author: KamLAND Collaboration
    Source: Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 051801 – Published 30 January 2023
  3. Title: "Search for Majorana neutrinos"
    Author: I.Shimizu
    Source: Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, ptad038,
  4. Title: "Ocean Bottom Detector: frontier of technology for understanding the mantle by geoneutrinos"
    Author: Hiroko Watanbe, NN. Abe, E. Araki, et al.
    Source: 2023 IEEE Underwater Technology (UT)
    DOI: 10.1109/UT49729.2023.10103417
  5. Title: "First measurement of the strange axial coupling constant using neutral-current quasielastic interactions of atmospheric neutrinos at KamLAND"
    Author: KamLAND Collaboration
    Source: Phys. Rev. D 107, 072006 – Published 19 April 2023
  6. Title: "Neutrino Geoscience: Review, Survey, Future Prospects"
    Author: William F. McDonough, Hiroko Watanabe
    Source: Core‐Mantle Co‐Evolution
  7. Title: "Trace Element Abundance Modeling with Gamma Distribution for Quantitative Balance Calculations"
    Author: Sanshiro Enomoto, Kenta Ueki, Tsuyoshi Iizuka, Nozomu Takeuchi, Akiko Tanaka, Hiroko Watanabe, Satoru Haraguchi
    Source: Core‐Mantle Co‐Evolution
  8. Title: "Direction-sensitive dark matter search with 3D-vector-type tracking in NEWAGE"
    Author: Takuya Shimada, Satoshi Higashino, Tomonori Ikeda, Kiseki Nakamura, Ryota Yakabe, Takashi Hashimoto, Hirohisa Ishiura, Takuma Nakamura, Miki Nakazawa, Ryo Kubota, Ayaka Nakayama, Hiroshi Ito, Koichi Ichimura,etc.
    Source: Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (PTEP)
  9. Title: "Development of a low-background HPGe detector at Kamioka Observatory"
    Author: K Ichimura, H Ikeda, Y Kishimoto, M Kurasawa, A A Suzuki, Y Gando, M Ikeda, K Hosokawa, H Sekiya, H Ito, A Minamino, S Suzuki
    Source: Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (PTEP)
  10.   Title: "Direct dark matter searches with the full data set of XMASS-I"
    Author: K. Abe, K. Hiraide, N. Kato, S. Moriyama, M. Nakahata, K. Sato, H. Sekiya, T. Suzuki, Y. Suzuki, A. Takeda, B. S. Yang, N. Y. Kim, Y. D. Kim, Y. H. Kim, Y. Itow, K. Martens, A. Mason, M. Yamashita, K. Miuchi, Y. Takeuchi, K. B. Lee, M. K. Lee, Y. Fukuda, H. Ogawa, K. Ichimura, Y. Kishimoto, K. Nishijima, K. Fushimi, B. D. Xu, K. Kobayashi, S. Nakamura
    Source: Phys. Rev. D 108, 083022 – Published 17 October 2023
  11.   Title: "Reduction of radioactive impurities in liquid scintillator by using metal scavengers"
    Author: K. Yuto, I. Shimizu, Y. Teraoka, T. Yamamura, K. Shirasaki
    Source: Journal of Instrumentation, Volume 18, August 2023
  12.   Title: "Measurement of cosmic-ray muon spallation products in a xenon-loaded liquid scintillator with KamLAND"
    Author: S. Abe et al. (KamLAND-Zen Collaboration)
    Source: Phys. Rev. C 107, 054612 – Published 22 May 2023
  13.   Title: "Kinetic inductance detectors on calcium fluoride substrate for astroparticle physics"
    Author: K Ishidoshiro, T Kobayashi, K Hosokawa, Y Kawamura, Y Kamei, S Mima, C Otani, AA Suzuki, M Zulfakri, T Taino
    Source: PTEP, 103H02 (2023)

in 2022

  1. Title: "Search for Solar Flare Neutrinos with the KamLAND Detector"
    Author: KamLAND Collaboration
    Source: The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 924, 103
  2. Title: "Limits on Astrophysical Antineutrinos with the KamLAND Experiment"
    Author: KamLAND Collaboration
    Source: The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 925, 14
  3. Title: "A Search for Correlated Low-energy Electron Antineutrinos in KamLAND with Gamma-Ray Bursts"
    Author: KamLAND Collaboration
    Source: The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 927, 69
  4. Title: "Abundances of Uranium and Thorium Elements in Earth Estimated by Geoneutrino Spectroscopy"
    Author: KamLAND Collaboration
    Source: Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 49, Issue 16, e2022GL099566
     → Link to the data files
  5. Title: "KamLAND’s search for correlated low-energy electron antineutrinos with astrophysical neutrinos from IceCube"
    Author: KamLAND Collaboration
    Source: Astroparticle Physics Volume 143, October 2022, 102758
  6. Title: "Search for Supernova Neutrinos and Constraint on the Galactic Star Formation Rate with the KamLAND Data"
    Author: KamLAND Collaboration
    Source: The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 934, Number 1

in 2021

  1. Title: "Search for Low-energy Electron Antineutrinos in KamLAND Associated with Gravitational Wave Events"
    Author: KamLAND collaboration
    Source: The Astrophysical Journal, 909:116 (6pp), 2021
  2. Title: "SNEWS 2.0: a next-generation supernova early warning system for multi-messenger astronomy"
    Author: S Al Kharusi et al
    Source: New J. Phys. 23 031201 (2021)
  3. Title: "The nylon balloon for xenon loaded liquid scintillator in KamLAND-Zen 800 neutrinoless double-beta decay search experiment"
    Author: Y. Gando et al. (KamLAND-Zen Collaboration)
    Source: JINST 16 P08023 (2021)
    DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/16/08/P08023
    arXiv: 2104.10452
  4. Title: "Precise measurement of the scintillation decay constant of ZnWO4 crystal"
    Author: M Shibata, H Sekiya, K Ichimura
    Source: Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, ptab132,

in 2020

  1. Title: "Pulsational Pair-instability Supernovae. II. Neutrino Signals from Pulsations and Their Detection by
    Terrestrial Neutrino Detectors"

    Author: Shing-Chi Leung, Sergei Blinnikov, Koji Ishidoshiro, Alexandre Kozlov and Kenichi Nomoto
    Source: The Astrophysical Journal 889 75 (2020)
    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ab6211
  2. Title: "Detectability of collective neutrino oscillation signatures in the supernova explosion of a 8.8 M⊙ star"
    Author: Hirokazu Sasaki, Tomoya Takiwaki, Shio Kawagoe, Shunsaku Horiuchi, and Koji Ishidoshiro
    Source: Phys. Rev. D 101, 063027 (2020)
  3. Title: "Improved method for measuring low concentration radium and its application to the Super-Kamiokande
    Gadolinium project"

    Author: S. Ito, K. Ichimura, Y. Takaku, K. Abe, M. Harada, M. Ikeda, H. Ito, Y. Kishimoto, Y. Nakajima, T. Okada, H. Sekiya
    Source: Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics
    DOI: 10.1093/ptep/ptaa105
    arXiv: 2006.09664 [physics.ins-det] 17 Jun 2020
  4. Title: "Theoretical prediction of presupernova neutrinos and their detection"
    Author: C. Kato, K. Ishidoshiro, and T. Yoshida
    Source: Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science Vol. 70:121-145(2020)
  5. Title: "Supernova-scope for the direct search of Supernova axions"
    Author: Shao-Feng Ge, Koichi Hamaguchi, Koichi Ichimura, Koji Ishidoshiro, Yoshiki Kanazawa, Yasuhiro Kishimoto, Natsumi Nagata and Jiaming Zheng
    Source: Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, Volume 2020, November 2020

in 2019

  1. Title: "Stochastic Modeling of 3-D Compositional Distribution in the Crust with Bayesian Inference and
    Application to Geoneutrino Observation in Japan

    Author: Nozomu Takeuchi, Kenta Ueki, Tsuyoshi Iizuka, Jun Nagao, Akiko Tanaka, Sanshiro Enomoto, Yutaka Shirahata,
    Hiroko Watanabe, Makoto Yamano, Hiroyuki Tanaka
    Source: PEPI. V288, March 2019, 35-37
    January 4, 2019
  2. Title: "Precision Analysis of the 136Xe Two-Neutrino ββ Spectrum in KamLAND-Zen and Its Impact on the
    Quenching of Nuclear Matrix Elements"
    Author: A. Gando et al. (KamLAND-Zen Collaboration)
    Source: Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 192501 (2019)
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.192501
    arXiv: 1901.03871 [hep-ex] May 15, 2019
  3. Title: "Scintillation balloon for neutrinoless double-beta decay search with liquid scintillator detectors"
    Author: S Obara, Y Gando, K Ishidoshiro
    Source: PTEP. Volume 2019, Issue 7, 073H01, July 2019

in 2017

  1. Title: "Neutrino emissions in all flavors up to the pre-bounce of massive stars and the possibility of their detections"
    Author: Chinami Kato, Hiroki Nagakura, Shun Furusawa, Koh Takahashi, Hideyuki Umeda, Takashi Yoshida, Koji Ishidoshiro,
    Shoichi Yamada
    Source: The Astrophysical Journal 848 (1), 48
    DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/aa8b72
    arXiv: 1704.05480 [astro-ph.HE] Sep 18, 2017

in 2016

  1. Title: "Status Report for the 21th J-PARC PAC : Searching for a Sterile Neutrino at J-PARC MLF (J-PARC E56, JSNS2)"
    Author: M. Harada (JAERI, Tokai),S. Hasegawa(JAERI, Tokai), Y. Kasugai(JAEA, Ibaraki), etc. show all
    arXiv: 1601.01046 [physics.ins-det]
  2. Title: "Search for double-beta decay of 136Xe to excited states of 136Ba with the KamLAND-Zen experiment"
    Author: K. Asakura et al. (KamLAND-Zen Collaboration)
    Source: Nuclear Physics A Volume 946, February 2016, Pages 171–181
    arXiv: 1509.03724
  3. Title: "Double Chooz and a History of Reactor θ13 Experiments"
    Author: F.Suekane, T.J.C. Bezerra for Double Chooz Collaboration
    Source: Nuclear Phys. B, V908, July 2016, 74-93
    DOI: 10.1016/j.nuclphysb.2016.04.008
    arXiv: 1601.08041 [hep-ex]
  4. Title: "A White Paper on keV Sterile Neutrino Dark Matter"
    Author: M. Drewes (ed.) (Munich, Tech. U.), all
    Source: The Astrophysical Journal V848 (1), 48
    DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2017/01/025
    arXiv: 1602.04816 [hep-ph]
  5. Title: "Hunt for Sterile Neutrinos: Decay at Rest Experiments"
    Author: Fumihiko Suekane
    arXiv: 1604.06190 [hep-ex]
  6. Title: "Characterization of the Spontaneous Light Emission of the PMTs used in the Double Chooz Experiment"
    Author: Double Chooz Collaboration
    Source Nuclear Physics A Volume 946, February 2016, Pages 171–181
    DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/11/08/P08001
    arXiv: 1604.06895 [physics. ins-det]
  7. Title: "Search for Majorana Neutrinos near the Inverted Mass Hierarchy Region with KamLAND-Zen"   (日本語解説)
    Author: KamLAND-Zen Collaboration
    Source: Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 082503 – Published 16 August 2016; Erratum Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 109903 (2016)
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.082503
    arXiv:  1605.02889 [hep-ex]
  8. Title: "Presupernova neutrino events relating to the final evolution of massive stars"
    Author: T Yoshida, K Takahashi, H Umeda, K Ishidoshiro
    Source: Phys. Rev. D 93, 123012 (2016)
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.93.123012
    arXiv: 1606.04915 [astro-ph.HE]
  9. Title: "A search for electron antineutrinos associated with gravitational-wave events GW150914 and GW151226 using KamLAND"
    Author: KamLAND Collaboration
    Source: The Astrophysical Journal Letters, V829, 2
    DOI: 10.3847/2041-8205/829/2/L34
    arXiv: 1606.07155 [astro-ph.HE]
  10.   Title: "KamLAND Sensitivity to Neutrinos from Pre-Supernova Stars"
    Author: K. Asakura et al. (KamLAND Collaboration)
    Source: The Astrophysical Journal, V818, 1
    DOI: 10.3847/0004-637X/818/1/91
    arXiv: 1506.01175 [astro-ph.HE]

in 2015

  1. Title: "Laboratory studies on the removal of radon-born lead from KamLAND's organic liquid scintillator"
    Author: G. Keefer et al. (KamLAND Collaboration)
    Source: Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 769, 1 January 2015, Pages 79-87
    DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2014.09.050
  2. Title: "A compact ultra-clean system for deploying radioactive sources inside the KamLAND detector"
    Author: T. I. Banks r et al. (KamLAND Collaboration)
    Source: Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 769, 1 January 2015, Pages 88-96
    DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2014.09.068
  3. Title: "Status Report (BKG measurement): A Search for Sterile Neutrino at J-PARC MLF"
    Author: M. Harada, all
    arXiv: 1502.02255 [physics.ins-det]
  4. Title: "J-PARC MLFでのステライルニュートリノ探索実験 JSNS2(J-PARC E56)"
    Author: 岩井瑛人、丸山和純、古田久敬、末包文彦
    Source: 高エネルギーニュース vol.34, No.1, May/2015
  5. Title: "On-site Background Measurements for the J-PARC E56 Experiment: A Search for Sterile Neutrino at J-PARC MLF"
    Author: S. Ajimura, all
    Source: PTEP. V2015, issue 6, June 2015, 063C01
    DOI: 10.1093/ptep/ptv078
    arXiv: 1502.06324 [physics.ins-det]
  6. Title: "Status Report for the 20th J-PARC PAC : A Search for Sterile Neutrino at J-PARC MLF (J-PARC E56, JSNS2)"
    Author: JSNS2 Collaboration
    arXiv: 1507.07076 [physics.ins-det]
  7. Title: "Measurement of θ13 in Double Chooz using neutron captures on hydrogen with novel background rejection techniques"
    Author: Double Chooz collaboration
    Source: JHEP. 2016, 163(2016)
    DOI: 10.1007/JHEP01(2016)163
    arXiv: 1510.08937 [hep-ex]
  8. Title: "Muon capture on light isotopes in Double Chooz"
    Author: Double Chooz collaboration
    Source: Phys. Rev. C 93, 054608 (2016)
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.93.054608
    arXiv: 1512.07562 [nucl-ex]
  9. Title: "Study of electron anti-neutrinos associated with gamma-ray bursts using KamLAND"
    Author: K. Asakura et al. (KamLAND Collaboration)
    Source: ApJ 806 87 2015
    DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/806/1/87
    arXiv: 1503.02137 [astro-ph.HE]
  10.   Title: "Search for the Proton Decay Mode p → v⁻ K+ with KamLAND "  (日本語解説)
    Author: KamLAND Collaboration
    Source: Phys. Rev. D 92, 052006 – Published 23 September 2015
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.92.052006
    arXiv: 1505.03612 [hep-ex]
  11.   Title: "Pre-supernova neutrino emissions from ONe cores in the progenitors of core-collapse supernovae:
    are they distinguishable from those of Fe cores ?"

    Author: Chinami Kato, Milad Delfan Azari, Shoichi Yamada, Koh Takahashi, Hideyuki Umeda, Takashi Yoshida, Koji Ishidoshiro
    Source: Astrophys. J 808, 168(2015)
    arXiv: 1506.02358 [astro-ph.HE]
  12.   Title: "7Be Solar Neutrino Measurement with KamLAND"
    Author: A. Gando et al. (KamLAND Collaboration)
    Source: Phys. Rev. C 92, 055808 – Published 30 November 2015
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.92.055808
    arXiv: 1405.6190 [hep-ex]

in 2014

  1. Title: "Proposal: A Search for Sterile Neutrino at J-PARC Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility"
    Author: M. Harada, all
    arXiv: 1310.1437 [physics.ins-det]
  2. Title: "Background-independent measurement of θ13 in Double Chooz"
    Author: Double Chooz Collaboration
    Source: PLB. 735(2914), 51-56.
    DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2014.04.045
  3. Title: "Precision Muon Reconstruction in Double Chooz"
    Author: Double Chooz Collaboration
    Source: NIM Phys. Res. A (2014)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2014.07.058
  4. Title: "Improved measurements of the neutrino mixing angle θ13 with the Double Chooz detector"
    Author: Double Chooz Collaboration
    Source: JHEP 10 (2014) 086,   JHEP 02 (2015) 074 (erratum)
    DOI: 10.1007/JHEP10(2014)086,  10.1007/JHEP02(2015)074
  5. Title: "Ortho-positronium observation in the Double Chooz Experiment novel background"
    Author: Double Chooz Collaboration
    Source: JHEP 1410 (2014) 032
    DOI: 10.1007/JHEP10(2014)032

in 2013

  1. Title: "Direct measurement of backgrounds using reactor-off data in Double Chooz"
    Author: Double Chooz Collaboration
    Source: Phys. Rev. D 87, 011102(R) – Published 8 January 2013
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.87.011102
  2. Title: "First Measurement of Theta13 from Delayed Neutron Capture on Hydrogen in the Double Chooz Experiment"
    Author: Double Chooz Collaboration
    Source: PLB. V723, Issue 1-3, 10 June 2013, Pages 66-70
    DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2013.04.050
  3. Title: "A Global Fit Determination of Effective Δm231 from Baseline Dependence of Reactor anti νe Disappearance"
    Author: T. J. C. Bezerra, H. Furuta, F. Suekane, T. Matsubara
    Source: PLB. V725, Issues 4–5, 1 October 2013, Pages 271-276
    DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2013.07.028
  4. Title: "Application of reactor antineutrinos: Neutrinos for peace"
    Author: F. Suekane, RCνS, Tohoku University
    Source: NPB. V235–236, February–March 2013, Pages 33-38
    DOI: 10.1016/j.nuclphysbps.2013.03.008
  5. Title: "原子炉によるニュートリノ混合角θ13の測定"
    Author: 川崎健夫、石塚正基、古田久敬、松原綱之
    Source: 日本物理学会誌 解説.68, 450-457, 2013
  6. Title: "Reactor On-Off Antineutrino Measurement with KamLAND"
    Author: KamLAND Collaboration
    Source: Phys. Rev. D 88, 033001 – Published 2 August 2013
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.88.033001
    arXiv: 1303.4667 [hep-ex]
     → Link to the data files
  7. Title: "Limit on Neutrinoless ββ Decay of 136Xe from the First Phase of KamLAND-Zen and
    Comparison with the Positive Claim in 76Ge"

    Author: A. Gando et al. (KamLAND-Zen Collaboration)
    Source: Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 062502
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.062502
    arXiv: 1211.3863 [hep-ex]

in 2012

  1. Title: "A study of extraterrestrial antineutrino sources with the KamLAND detector"
    Author: A. Gando et al. (KamLAND collaboration)
    Source: The Astrophysical Journal, V745, 2
    DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/745/2/193
  2. Title: "A Study of Reactor Neutrino Monitoring at Experimental Fast Reactor JOYO"
    Author: H. Furuta et al. (KASKA collaboration)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2011.09.045
    arXiv: 1108.2910 [hep-ex]   (or 1108.2910v1 [astro-ph.HE])
  3. Title: "Evaluation of 400 low background 10 inch photomultiplier tubes for the Double Chooz experiment"
    Author: T. Matsubara et al. (DC-Japan group)
    Source: Nucl. Instrum. Meth.A, V661, Issue 1, 1 January 2012, Pages 16-25
    DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2011.09.023
  4. Title: "Indication for the disappearance of reactor electron antineutrinos in the Double Chooz experiment"
    Author: Double Chooz Collaboration
    Source: Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 131801 – Published 28 March 2012
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.131801
  5. Title: "Reactor antielectron neutrino disappearance in the Double Chooz experiment"
    Author: Double Chooz Collaboration
    Source: Phys. Rev. D 86, 052008 – Published 18 September 2012
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.86.052008
  6. Title: "First test of Lorentz violation with a reactor-based antineutrino experiment"
    Author: Double Chooz Collaboration
    Source: Phys. Rev. D 86, 112009 – Published 28 December 2012
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.86.112009
  7. Title: "Measurement of the double-beta decay half-life of 136Xe with the KamLAND-Zen experiment"
    Author: A. Gando et al. (KamLAND-Zen Collaboration)
    Source: Phys. Rev. C 85, 045504 – Published 19 April 2012
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.85.045504
    arXiv: 1201.4664
  8. Title: " Limits on Majoron-emitting double-beta decays of 136Xe in the KamLAND-Zen experiment"
    Author: A. Gando et al. (KamLAND-Zen Collaboration)
    Source: Phys. Rev. C 86, 021601(R) – Published 6 August 2012
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.86.021601
    arXiv: 1205.6372 [hep-ex]

in 2011

  1. Title: "Pulse shape discrimination study with Gd loaded liquid scintillator for reactor neutrino monitoring"
    Author: H. Furuta ; A. Imura ; Y. Furuta ; T. Niisato ; T. J. C. Bezerra ; F. Suekane
    Source: IEEE: 2011 2nd International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation
    DOI: 10.1109/ANIMMA.2011.6172950
  2. Title: "Constraints on θ13 from A Three-Flavor Oscillation Analysis of Reactor Antineutrinos at KamLAND"
    Author: KamLAND Collaboration
    Source: Phys. Rev. D 83, 052002 – Published 4 March 2011
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.83.052002
    arXiv: 1009.4771 [hep-ex]
  3. Title: "Measurement of the 8B Solar Neutrino Flux with KamLAND"
    Author: KamLAND Collaboration
    Source: Phys. Rev. C 84, 035804 – Published 13 September 2011
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.84.035804
    arXiv: 1106.0861 [hep-ex]   (or 1106.0861v3 [astro- ph.HE])
  4. Title: "Partial radiogenic heat model for Earth revealed by geoneutrino measurements"
    Author: KamLAND Collaboration
    Source: Nature Geoscience volume 4, 647–651(2011)    URL:
  5. Title: "Indication for the disappearance of reactor electron antineutrinos in the Double Chooz experiment"
    Author: Double Chooz Collaboration
    Source: Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 131801 – Published 28 March 2012
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.131801
    arXiv: 1112.6353 [hep-ex]   (or 1112.6353v3 [hep-ex]])

in 2010

  1. Title: "Production of Radioactive Isotopes through Cosmic Muon Spallation in KamLAND"
    Author: KamLAND Collaboration
    Source: Phys. Rev. C 81, 025807 – Published 23 February 2010
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.81.025807
    arXiv: 0907.0066 [hep-ex]   (or 0907.0066v2 [hep-ex])
  2. Title: "ニュートリノ観測で地球模型を検証"
    Author: K. Inoue
    Souce: Neutrino 2010 国際会議での発表 (2010.7)
  3. Title: "Light output response of KamLAND liquid scintillator for protons and 12C nuclei"
    Author: KamLAND Collaboration
    Source: Nucl. Instrum.Meth, A622:574-582(2010)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2010.07.087
  4. Title: "Prospects of reactor neutrino experiments"
    Author: F. Suekane
    Source: PPNP., V64, I2, 178-180, 2010
    DOI: 10.1016/j.ppnp.2009.12.002

in 2009

  1. Title: "The KamLAND Full-Volume Calibration System"
    Author: KamLAND Collaboration
    Source: JINST 4: P04017, 2009
    DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/4/04/P04017
    arXiv: 0903.0441 [physics.ins-det]   (or 0903.0441v1 [physics.ins-det])
  2. Title: "A High Precision Reactor Neutrino Detector for the Double Chooz Experiment"
    Author: Fumihiko Suekane (for the Double Chooz Collaboration)
    Source: Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A623:440-441, 2010
    DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2010.03.029
    arXiv: 0906.1639 [hep-ex]   (or 0906.1639v1 [hep-ex])

in 2007 & 2008

  1. Title: "VPN Based Data Acquisition System for KASKA Prototype Detector"
    Author: Y. Sakamoto ; H. Furuta ; H. Tabata ; F. Suekane ; Y. Nagasaka
    Source: 2007 15th IEEE-NPSS Real-Time Conference
    DOI: 10.1109/RTC.2007.4382810
  2. Title: "原子炉θ13実験 Double Chooz"
    Author: F. Suekane
    Source: 高エネルギーニュース Vol.26 No.3, 2007     JAHEP
  3. Title: "Precision Measurement of Neutrino Oscillation Parameters with KamLAND"
    Author: KamLAND Collaboration
    Source: Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 221803(2008)
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.221803
     → Link to the data files

in 2006

  1. Title: "Systematic limit on sin2 2θ13 in neutrino oscillation experiments with multireactors"
    Author: H. Sugiyama, O. Yasuda, F. Suekane, G. A. Horton-Smith
    Source: Phys. Rev. D 73, 053008 – Published 17 March 2006
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.73.053008
  2. Title: "KamLAND"
    Author: F. Suekane, for the KamLAND collaboration
    Source: PPNP., Vol.57, 106-126(July 2006)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.ppnp.2005.12.008
  3. Title: "Reactor Neutrino Oscillations: KamLAND and KASKA"
    Author: F. Suekane
    Source: Nucl.Phys.B, Vol.157, 21-26(July 2006)
    DOI: 10.1016/j.nuclphysbps.2006.03.004
  4. Title: "Letter of Intent for KASKA: High Accuracy Neutrino Oscillation Measurements with anti-nu_es from
    Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Station"

    Author: KASKA collaboration
    arXiv: hep-ex/0607013   (or hep-ex/0607013v1 )
  5. Title: "原子炉を用いたニュートリノ混合角θ13の精密測定"
    Author: 田村詔生、末包文彦、安田修
    Souce: 日本物理学会誌2006年 11月号
  6. Title: "Search for the Invisible Decay of Neutrons with KamLAND"
    Author: KamLAND Collaboration
    Source: Phys. Rev. Lett. 96:101802, 2006
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.96.101802
    arXiv: hep-ex/0512059   (or hep-ex/0512059v2 )
  7. Title: "A Simple model of reactor cores for reactor neutrino flux calculations for the KamLAND experiment"
    Author: K. Nakajima, K. Inoue, K. Owada, F. Suekanea, A. Suzuki, etc.
    Source: Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A569:837-844,2006
    DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2006.09.088
  8. Title: "On-site underground background measurements for the KASKA reactor neutrino experiment"
    Author: KASKA Collaboration
    Source: Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A568: 710-715, 2006
    DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2006.08.012

in 2005

  1. Title: "Measurement of Neutrino Oscillation with KamLAND: Evidence of Spectral Distortion"
    Author: KamLAND Collaboration
    Source: Phys. Rev. Lett. 94:081801, 2005
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.94.081801
    arXiv: hep-ex/0406035   (or hep-ex/0406035v3))
     → Link to the data files
  2. Title: "Experimental investigation of geologically produced antineutrnos with KamLAND"
    Author: KamLAND Collaboration
    Source: Nature 436, 499–503(2005)
    DOI: 10.1038/nature03980
  3. Title: "KASKA; 原子炉による精密θ13測定計画"
    Author: F. Suekane
    Source: 高エネルギーニュース, 23(3),(2005),157-173
    Author: F. Suekane and for the KASKA Collaboration
    Source: Neutrino Oscillations and Their Origin, pp. 228-235 (2005)
    DOI: 10.1142/9789812701824_0030

in 2004

  1. Title: "An overview of the KamLAND 1-kiloton liquid scintillator"
    Author: F. Suekane, T. Iwamoto, H. Ogawa, O. Tajima, H. Watanabe
    Source: Scintillating Crystals: Proceedings of the KEK-RCNP International School and Mini-workshop
    for Scintillating Crystals and their Applications in Particle and Nuclear Physics,279-290(2004)
  2. Title: "Online monitoring system and data management for KamLAND"
    Author: M. Motoki, F. Suekane, K. Tada, Y. Tsuda
    Source: Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A534:59-65,2004
    DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2004.07.059
  3. Title: " A High Sensitivity Search for Electron Anti-Neutrino from the Sun and Other Soueces at KamLAND"
    Author: KamLAND Collaboration
    Source: Phys. Rev. Lett. 92:071301, 2004
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.92.071301
    hep-ex/0310047   (or hep-ex/0310047v3))

in 2002-2003

  1. Title: "Recent status of the KamLAND experiment"
    Author: F. Suekane, K. Eguchi, S. Enomoto, K. Furuno, Y. Gando, etc.
    Source: Nucl.Phys.B, 111:128-132(2002)
    DOI: 10.1016/S0920-5632(02)01694-8
  2. Title: "First Results from KamLAND: Evidence for Reactor Anti-Neutrino Disappearance"
    Author: KamLAND Collaboration
    Source: Phys. Rev. Lett. 90:021802, 2003
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.90.021802
    arXiv: hep-ex/0212021   (or hep-ex/0212021v1))
  3. Title: "White paper report on using nuclear reactors to search for a value of theta13"
    Author: K. Anderson, F. Suekane, etc.
    Source: Phys.Rev.Lett.90:021802,2003
    DOI: 10.2172/834503
    arXiv: hep-ex/0402041
  4. Title: "カムランド: 原子炉ニュートリノ欠損現象の発見に至るまで"
    Author: J. Shirai, F. Suekane, K. Inoue
    Source: 高エネルギーニュース 22, 1-10 (2003)
  5. Title: "カムランドにおける原子炉ニュートリノ欠損の発見"
    Author: 末包文彦、中島享
    Source: 日本原子力学会誌,2003年45巻10月号p27-32
  6. Title: "Reactor Measurement of θ13 and its Complementarity to Long Baseline Experiments"
    Author: H. Minakata, H. Sugiyama, O. Yasuda, K. Inoue, F. Suekane
    Source: Phys. Rev. D 68, 033017(2003), Erratum Phys. Rev. D 70, 059901 (2004)
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.68.033017
  7. Title: "Precise Measurement of sin22 θ13 Using Japanese Reactors."
    Author: F. Suekane, K. Inoue, T. Araki, K. Jongok
    Source: Neutrino Oscillations and Their Origin, pp. 155-162
    DOI: 10.1142/9789812703101_0018
    arXiv: hep-ex/0306029   (or hep-ex/0306029v1))

in 1997-1999

  1. Title: "The 1000-ton liquid scintillation detector project at Kamioka (Kam-Land)"
    Author: F. Suekane
    Source: AIP Conference Proceedings 412, 969 (1997)
    DOI: 10.1063/1.54278
  2. Title: "The KamLAND project"
    Author: KamLAND Collaboration · F. Suekane(Tohoku U.) for the collaboration.
    Source: Part of New era in neutrino physics. Proceedings, Satellite Symposium after Neutrino'98, Tokyo, Japan (1998)
  3. Title: "Measuring the Global Radioactivity in the Earth by Multidetector Antineutrino Spectroscopy"
    Author: R. S. Raghavan, S. Schoenert, S. Enomoto, J. Shirai, F. Suekane, and A. Suzuki
    Source: Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 635(1998)
    DOI: 0.1103/PhysRevLett.80.635
  4. Title: "KamLAND : 巨大液体シンチレーター検出器による低エネルギーニュートリノ検出実験"
    Author: 末包文彦、白井淳平、井上邦雄、古野貢一郎
    Source: 高エネルギーニュース,18(1),(1999),9-25

PhD/MS Theses

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